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Now available: AD Oracle Pro OS Connect extraction system, featuring our new, cutting-edge Pro OS software platform.

New: AD 1000 Pro OS Connect fume extraction system equipped with our new, innovative Pro OS software platform – available now!

T 1: Single tip extraction for soldering applications

Jun 4, 2020 | News & Articles


The T 1 high-vacuum unit is designed to extract and filter fumes and debris through small bore hoses and attachments. Ideally suited for soldering iron tip extraction, vac pens and any application requiring close proximity, micro extraction.

Benefits of the T 1:

  • Compact design
  • High-vacuum pumps
  • Enhanced filter performance
  • Three-stage filtration
  • Built-in silencing
  • CE approved

Applications that our T 1 can be used with:

  • Hand soldering

This unit is ideally partnered with our soldering iron connection kit.

Speak to one of our experts

For further information and advice on which extraction solutions are right for you, speak to our electronics fume expert, David Thompson. He will work with you and our applications specialists to understand your specific process and help you determine what measures you should consider for safe operation.

Key features of the T 1

  • HEPA filter – Mini pleat design HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters which are tested and certified to a minimum efficiency of 99.997% down to 0.3 microns and 95% as small as 0.1 micron. They incorporate a series of webbing between the pleated media. This feature not only guarantees even spacing for full filter coverage between each pleat, but also alleviates the possibility of airflow vibration or collapse.
  • Advanced carbon filter (ACF) technology – assures safe capture and removal of hazardous fumes. Contaminated air must remain in contact with the carbon bed for a period of time sufficient to ensure that no contaminants or odours are emitted. Our filters have been developed to capture all contaminants and odours, eliminating the risk of bypass and/or tunnelling. Read more about our filters.
  • SureCHECK quality standard – Our high-standard quality, health and safety and environmental management, applied to everything we do.

Here to Support You

For personalized guidance on the best system for your application, reach out to us.

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