CLEAPSS (Consortium UK Local Education Authorities for the Provision of Science Services), in collaboration with the HSE (Health and Safety Executive), have developed the guidance for users of 3D printing technology on how to work safely and mitigate potential associated risks.
It has been recommended that local exhaust ventilation (LEV) be used with an adequate fan and filters to enable the removal of small particles and organic emissions from the melting of filaments. For some individuals, brief exposure to such emissions could trigger symptoms, but there may be longer-term health risks for individuals who spend long periods using 3D printers.
BOFA is recognised as a world leader in 3D printing fume extraction and filtration technology and has been manufacturing systems for over 31 years, exporting globally to OEMs and resellers.
Download the report for free here →
For more information, contact us about pairing the right fume extraction unit with your 3D printer.